Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Native American Myth

The Turtle that created the world

In the beginning, the people of the early world did not behave themselves and were displeasing to the Creating Power. Angry and frustrated, the Creating Power decided it was time to end the world. So it sent a great flood upon the Earth. As a result, almost all of the animals and people perished from the Earth. All that remained was the Crow. He then begged the creating power to create a new world where he could land and rest. The Creating Power then decided that it was time to create a new Earth. Later, after much thought, the Creating Power created four (4) animals that are known for their ability to remain under water for a long amount of time. Those animals are: the loon, the otter, the beaver, and finally the turtle. The Creating Power then sent each animal to go under water and to return with as much mud as possible. First came the loon, and he could not reach the bottom, then next came the otter, and then the beaver, and each time they failed. Then came the turtle. The turtle dove under the water and did not surface for so long that they believed that he had perished! In conclusion, the turtle finally did resurface, and when he did, he had mud in his claws and in his shell! And so the world was created again. But if the people did not behave themselves, the Creating Power warned them that he would destroy the Earth once more.
Citations for "The Turtle That Created The World"

Crystal, Ellie. ("Lakota Myth 2") (www.crystalinks.com) N/A: Ellie Crystal 1995-2008. December 3, 2008