Friday, October 24, 2008

12 Acedemic Definitions

1. A myth is a tale that has a moral, explains the reason things happen in life, to entertain. my example of a myth is the myth of Demeter, Persephone and Hades, in which the myth explains the seasons.

2. A hero is the founder of something new, new age, new religion,and new city.Also can relate wit humans with the fact that he is not perfe
ct. One of the most famous examples would be of the hero Hercules. The hero with superhuman strength.

3. The hero's journey is the call to adventure, the initiation, journey,companions that come along with the hero, the ultimate battle. Hercules would also be a good example for this description. He went through many battles and in my opinion, his ultimate battle was after he killed his children.

4. The word Universal means the things that everyone does, feels and understands, its basically like the whole picture. The only thing that I could think of would be emotions. One example of this would be the myth of Eros. My example is Eros. The god of love and desire has a universal quality in the fact that he fell in love.

5. Cyclical means repeating things over and over in the same cycle. One of the examples that we learned for this definitions was the god Ra. The Sun God who changed with the cycle of the sun.

6. Life from Death is sacrificial death. getting life from death. An example of life from death is Uranus.He was castrated and when he died Aphrodite was born.

7. Duality means opposite. The example of this would be yin and yang. Two opposites coming together as a whole.

8. Archetype is the build of something or the beginning of something new. My example is Demeter. She was called the motherly god. She provided Earth with growth and life.

9.Creation is the creation of something new, the beginning of new life. My example of creation is Pan Gu.The myth that says the world began as an egg. He seperated the Heavens and the Earth from Chaos.

10. Matriarchal means a society that is run by women. My example for Matriarchal is Mother Earth.

11. Patriarchal is a society run by men. My example is Father Sky.

12. Sacrifice is the giving of ones life for those of others. My example is the fight of the 300. In which 300 Spartans and Greek soldiers fought the Persians and then died to save the King.

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